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Start your college search by exploring our comprehensive database of over 100 schools including public universities, private colleges, community colleges, career colleges, online schools, distance learning programs and graduate schools. Explore now! |
Post University |
Post University offers highly interactive online classes for their students. Study your online degree within 8-week modules, six times a year, which allow you to complete your program in less time without sacrificing quality. Courses taught by faculty members who have advanced degrees and extensive real-world experience in their respective fields. Study your favorite degree in weeks to begin a brighter future now. .
Liberty University |
Liberty University is the largest Christian university in the world. They has lowest tuition fee among online universities. Apply your Christian faith to one of nearly 150 programs. Gain a deeper understanding of the origin and contents of the Bible. Get yourself on the fast track toward accomplishing your educational and life goals.
Ultimate Medical Academy |
At Ultimate Medical Academy (UMA), healthcare training is all they do. Since 1994, UMA has trained thousands of students for careers in the allied health field. Whether you’re looking for the convenience of online healthcare training or the interaction of a traditional classroom, UMA has a variety of programs and schedules to meet your needs.
Colorado Christian University |
Learn how to integrate knowledge of the Bible with modern world issues and current events at the Premier Christian University - Colorado Christian University. Courses are taught from a Christian worldview, emphasizing how your personal values and ethics can impact your life and your work. Finish each course in weeks. Get started.